My Longest Love Affair. . .

has been with a sparkly pair of Marc Jacobs shoes.  These wonderful party heels have been in my life for ten years now.  That’s longer than any California or New York marriage I’ve known.  Which is to say, I’m deeply committed.

In 2003, my mother gave me with these beauties as a present.  She knew my inner squirrel would love how shiny they were.  And she was right.  From the moment I put them on, I almost never took them off.  If I was going to wear heels, these were it.  Sure I had other shoes,  but I didn’t love them the way I loved these.  Or perhaps I did love them.  I just wasn’t in love with them.

To look at them, you might think they’re a bit tacky.  And I’m the first to admit they scream “Cocaine Disco Barbie.”  But I don’t care.  That’s what I like about them.  They’re an excellent costume piece as they give the illusion of a wild side I don’t really have.  See owning these shoes allows me to adopt an attitude for a few hours without actually having to own the lifestyle.  There’s something to be said for shoes that make you feel like Michelle Pfeiffer in Scarface.  But without all the druggy gangster stuff.

The first time I wore them to a party was on New Year’s Eve in 2003.  After that, I wore them all the time.

From network summer parties. . .



to red carpet events. . .

The Perfect Man premiere, summer 2005

to my wedding. . .

at The Little Door, December 2009

Our wedding dinner at The Little Door, December 2009

to other people’s weddings even when pregnant with kitty.

Hackney Town Hall for a wedding at 20 weeks

Hackney Town Hall at 20 weeks, summer 2011

These shoes have been with me.

Present Day

Friday, July 26, 2013

W. Somerset Maugham wrote, “The love that lasts the longest is the love that is never returned.”  These shoes have never loved me.  How could they?  Still that’s never stopped me from adoring them.

But after ten years and with their resoled soles continuously wearing thinner, I think it’s time for one last disco and then their retirement.  If you have any playlist suggestions I’d be grateful.

I love you babies and I always will.

almost 10 years of love

10 years of love